Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Contemporary Haibun Online, Issue 17.3, December 2021

My thanks to Ron Moss for selecting my work for the haiga showcase feature, and for his lovely commentary!

Debbie Strange's work has been published widely; her haiku and art are always of a top standard. In this gallery we can see how she combines colors and shapes to create mesmerizing images, and then pairs them with poems that deepen the experience.

Haiga Showcase Feature:

Wow! The colors and shapes of "city skyline" ensure that this haiga will stand out anywhere. The clever visual of repeated shapes connects well with the one-line haiku, which is nicely balanced at the bottom of the image.

The "hammered dulcimer" is a lovely kaleidoscope of shapes and colors, with a touch of texture and human emotion. The text has been balanced well on the image and contained in a small box, which allows for readability amongst all the busyness.

"Our bodies" offers another strong image. The tree takes the whole frame, and the white space surrounding it gives us room to breathe. The haiku's use of the curving wind echoes the leaning tree, making everything come together in a balanced way.

Two strong brushstrokes compose the main visual of "the wingspan," and they're countered nicely by the vertical text—something that is not easy to achieve. The subtle background colors give us a feeling of a sky in the digital realm.


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