Sunday, November 01, 2020

World Haiku Review, Autumn 2020

we buy a bird feeder
that isn't

Zatsuei Haiku of Merit
Shintai Haiku Category

I cultivate the seeds
of loneliness

Editor's Choice Haiku
Hon. Mention, Vanguard Haiku Category


This is an interesting way of handling loneliness caused by the pandemic. All the secrets are contained in line 2. The interpretation of the words 'cultivate' and 'seeds' decides the author's response. She is not yet suffering from the fully-blown loneliness but clearly expecting it is coming. In that case, it would certainly be better to 'grow' it in the way she likes or tolerates, rather than leaving it to grow by itself out of her control, making her life an utter misery. There is 'good' loneliness and 'bad' loneliness. The word 'cultivate' seems to me to be giving such implications.

—Susumu Takiguchi  

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