Monday, September 02, 2024

The Haiku Foundation - Haiku for Parkinson's, September 2024

My thanks to Stella Pierides for inviting me to participate in this wonderful initiative!

My article, "Haiga for Healing", explores the relationship between colour in my artwork, and its impact on my chronic illnesses:

The transcript of this essay may be viewed under the "Articles/About" tab of this blog.

The Haiku Foundation Haiga Galleries, September 2024

My thanks to Jim Kacian for presenting my third Haiga Gallery for The Haiku Foundation!

The following artwork incorporates 40 award-winning haiku and tanka:


blue nemophila
I still miss the little things
about my sister

1st Place
2020 9th Akita International Haiku Contest


busker's hat
a child offers coins
of dried lunaria

1st Place
2022 Bloodroot Haiku Award


a meadowlark sings
me out of myself

1st Place
2022 Drifting Sands Monuments Number 1 Contest


cattle roundup
a charred bean can
full of rain

1st Place (joint)
2024 Sharpening the Green Pencil Haiku Contest


drifting sands
sometimes the poem
writes itself

1st Place
2023 Drifting Sands Wearable Art and Haiku Contest


fireflies the synchronicity of it all

1st Place
2022 Irish Haiku Society International Haiku Competition


geriatric ward
burning matchheads
begin to droop

Highly Commended
2023 Gloucestershire Poetry Society Haiku Competition


heated debate
even the fence
is barbed

1st Place
2022 Creatrix Haiku Prize


marsh marigolds
dark waters patched
with light

Highly Commended
2023 New Zealand Poetry Society International Haiku Competition


skinny-dipping the moon snail's umbilicus

2022 British Haiku Society Awards


vintage typewriter
the spiderling adds
an asterisk

Judges' Favourites
2023 Golden Triangle Haiku Contest


stubbled fields
the remains of something
I cannot name

Editor's Choice
Haiga in Focus, Number 52, August 2022


soft rime
a chickadee's song
becomes visible

Honourable Mention
2019 Irish Haiku Society International Haiku Competition


rusted gate
old lilacs blooming
for no one

Selected Haiku
2015 Yamadera Basho Haiku Contest


pine forst
the advice I'd give
my younger self

Honourable Mention
2020 Soka Matsubara International Haiku Contest


outdoor wedding
an unexpected flurry
of cabbage whites

Haiku Laureate Award
2021 Hexapod Haiku Contest


lily pad rafts
dotting the pond . . .
leopard frogs

Zatsuei Haiku of Merit
2021 World Haiku Review


forgotten grave
only the small bones
of leaves remain

2020 Polish International Haiku Competition


first school day
the coiling tendrils
of loofah

Honourable Mention
2023 International Haiku Contest on the Theme of Gourds


cold war
the fallen rank and file
of sunflowers

Selected Haiku
2022 Yamadera Basho Haiku Contest


watching you
prepare a star fruit
just so
the small galaxies
of grace in your hands

2019 British Haiku Society Tanka Awards


soften the bog's edge
my thoughts
lost in this tangle
of lemming runways

3rd Place
2023 Fleeting Words Tanka Competition


there was
so much I wanted
to teach you . . .
a blue jay's feathers
are not really blue

1st Place
2023 San Francisco International Competition for Haiku, Senryu and Tanka


sunbeams sift
between the bones
of our barn
mucking out stalls
has never felt so holy

1st Place
2023 British Haiku Society Tanka Awards


dried cattails
delicately spun with frost
sweeting the bitterness
of winter without you

2nd Place
2022 Fleeting Words Tanka Contest


between the spokes
of your spinning wheel
a dusty web . . .
I never thought our lives
would so quickly unwind

1st Place
2019 British Haiku Society Tanka Awards


rain's unkept promise
crops wither
in the dust of dreams
passed down to me

1st Place
2022 Drifting Sands Monuments Number 1 Contest


at the moment
I became motherless
brushed against me
softer than a feather

1st Place
2022 British Haiku Society Tanka Awards


a raven
believed it could fly
through me
unaware that I am glass,
pretending to be sky

3rd Place
2020 San Francisco International Competition for Haiku, Senryu and Tanka


a fleet
of trumpeter swans
at anchor
on the smoke-veiled lake
every bird, a beacon

Highly Commended
2020 The Burning Issue Tanka Contest


emerge from our barn
into dusk . . .
how short the wingspan
of this perfect moment

Honourable Mention
2020 Mandy's Pages Annual Tanka Contest


as if I were
this ash-filled burl,
black veins
of decay winding through
my body like a river

2020 The Burning Issue Tanka Contest


let's drive
down this prairie road,
singing until
we collide head-on
with the Milky Way

Honourable Mention
2023 San Francisco International Competition for Haiku, Senryu and Tanka


lost gloves sprout
from melting snowbanks
every finger
points me toward
a place I'd rather be

Honourable Mention
2021 Fleeting Words Tanka Contest


my easel stands
neglected in the corner
still flecked
with bright colours of a world
I no longer recognize

2020 The Burning Issue Tanka Contest


autumn arrives
in a whirl of leaves
this body
withering, too, despite
my best intentions

2nd Honourable Mention
2022 San Francisco International Competition for Haiku, Senryu and Tanka


by and by
I promise to tell you
but for now, let us listen . . .
nature is speaking

Editor's Choice
Cattails, October 2020


leaving home
for the first time
my carpetbag
filled to bursting
with butterflies

Tanka Favourites (selected by Joanna Ashwell)
GUSTS, Number 35, Spring/Summer 2022


sea pebbles
glinting in the sun
we, too
lose more of ourselves
with every passing wave

Honourable Mention
2020 British Haiku Society Tanka Awards


skeins of wool
unravel at my feet
in the last light
a swirl of snow geese
begins to descend

Honourable Mention
2023 San Francisco International Competition for Haiku, Senryu and Tanka

Tsuri-doro: A Small Journal of Haiku and Senryu, Issue #23, September/October 2024

chalk beach
finding the prehistoric
in me

The Heron's Nest, Volume 26, Number 3, September 2024

snow crater
the waterfall sculpts
its own geology

Heliosparrow Poetry Journal, August 2024

Thrilled to have the following paper collage from my series, "(de)constructing a life, included in this release:

#1 - between layers of life


Failed Haiku - A Journal of English Senryu, Vol. 9, Number 102, September 2024

Special thanks to Bryan Rickert for his generous support during his editorship. I wish him well as he moves on to other projects!