Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Enchanted Garden Haiku Journal, Issue 8: Dreams Keeper, June 2024

Translated into Romanian

flying manta ray
a boy's obsession
with batman

Thrilled to receive the Editor's Choice Award for the following haiga!

Commentary by the editor, Steliana Voicu:

The butterflies seem to have been cut out of the greeting card and come to life, they are colorful and cheerful. I like the comparison between plants and children, what they will become when they grow up, because the flowers are like children: they need love and care to grow up big and healthy. The parallel is wonderful. In addition, I like that the second person is used, the author talks to the buds (and I used to talk to my flowers), this way the haiku gets an extra personality, a touch of the author's soul. What will you be when you grow up...

The ellipses mark kireji, the break, a pause of nature before budding, the bud before the flower. The pause in this haiku is similar to the moment when the skater taps the ice to soar in a jump that arouses her fans admiration, or the time it takes for the roots to make their way into the ground, only for the buds to overflow with vitality.

What flower or plant will that bud become? Maybe a flower whose beauty will be the center of the garden or maybe an ordinary vegetable...we'll let the author tell us more when the bud grows.

The butterflies are an additional piece of information, they appear on the picture, not in the haiku, but they are closely related to the haiku because they represent transformation...the bud becomes a flower, today's child is tomorrow's adult.

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