Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Romanian Haiku Group, Sharpening the Green Pencil Haiku Contest, 2024

Thrilled to receive 1st Place (joint) in this year's contest!

cattle roundup
a charred bean can
full of rain

1st Place
Sharpening the Green Pencil, 2024

Judge's comments:

A full plate of sensory imagery invites the reader to dwell on and in the scene that the poet offers. The cattle roundup, an iconic event in the American West, has left debris in its wake as a reminder of the sound and action that disappeared in the dust. This poem casts a spell with its rich content, recreating in the reader's imagination a way of life that in its hardship and dangers lives vividly in the collective imagination. The r's present in each line read well as a connecting thread, or perhaps a rope, given the rough and tumble context.

Line 2 gives the reader an opportunity to move beyond the romance of the prairie. Fire has already charred the can, and next, the rain fills it. Perhaps it will rust as it lies forgotten, a modern-day ruin. Nature and its elements take over as it always does, just as summer grasses eventually overtook the warriors' battleground in Basho's haiku. The emotional power of this poem is grounded in but exceeds the sum of its parts.

—Barrie Levine

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