Sunday, March 21, 2021

The 10th Setouchi-Matsuyama International Photo-Haiku Contest, 2020

Honoured to receive the Grand Prix selected from 1,587 photo-haiku!

Judge's comments:

The haiku text speaks to the brilliantly colored photo. Together they resonate superbly as a narrative photo-haiku. A teacher could have been standing alongside when the photo-haikuist narrated action caught in the picture. The camera faced sunlight at a low angle. Deciduous tree branches in the foreground are bare and conifers on the island don't move in the winter scene. Located possibly at a lake near to where the poet lives, rather than the sea, the water's reflective surface seems to be close to freezing but for the rippling wind. It was an "aha, I understand now" photo-haiku moment that is deserving of the highest prize in the contest.

—David McMurray


Brass Bell, March 2021

Theme: haiku about women and girls

vole tracks in snow
the tiny handwriting
of my big sister

The Haiku Foundation: The Touchstone Awards for Individual Poems, 2020

There were over 1300 nominations, and I'm honoured that the following haiku is included in the longlist of 56 poems. My thanks to the editor of #FemkuMag, who nominated my work, and to the judges for taking the time to read!

ripening pear the bruises that never heal

#FemkuMag 27, October 2020

Red Lights, Vol. 17, Number 1, January 2021

My thanks to Marilyn Hazelton for the kind mention of The Language of Loss: Haiku & Tanka Conversations!

a rusted obelisk
in our garden tilts
the gash along its side
bleeding winter berries

part of it all

dead leaves
dance to the vibrations
of a wolf spider
searching for his mate . . .
I, too, am smitten

a woolly bear
wends it way through
yellowing grass
it only takes one small thing
to make me happy

I come
to this darkling forest
in search
of something
only the trees know

Poetry Pea, March 2021

The Haiku Pea Podcast

Series 4, Episode 6 - "Exaggerated Perspective", March 15, 2021

fog deepens
the sound of rabbits
nibbling night

Grand Prize
2016 World Haiku Competition

vacant factory
broken rafters patched
with pigeons

Last Train Home: An Anthology of Contemporary Haiku, Tanka, and Rengay, Pondhawk Press, 2021

My thanks to the editor, Jacqueline Pearce!

damp underpass only the dark timpani of trains

Otata, Issue 27, March 2018

sparks fly
under the trestle
graffiti hearts

Failed Haiku: A Journal of English Senryu, Issue 3, March 2016

quilting bee
train tracks stitch
prairie to sky

Acorn, Number 33, Fall 2014

Haiku Canada Review, Vol. 15, Number 1, February 2021


idle tractor
puddles of sunset
in every furrow

Note: This issue includes a lovely review by Sandra Stephenson of The Language of Loss: Haiku & Tanka Conversations. It may be accessed via the book title's tab of this blog.

Frogpond, Vol. 44, Number 1, Winter 2021

milky way nearly there sequoia


Daily Haiga: An Edited Journal of Traditional and Contemporary Haiga, March 2021

Featured Artist: March 18, 2021

Note: this was first published as a three-line haiku in The Mamba 9, March 2020


Creatrix Poetry and Haiku Journal, Number 52, March 2021

rainy season
the fringed parasols
of fungi

river stillness
willow branches comb
through my hair

Blithe Spirit, Vol. 31, Number 1, February 2021

the fantasy
of next year's garden . . .

fog horns
the flash of something
in father's eyes

ice galleons
break apart into sound
we have come
too far to crumble
under the weight of blues

Akitsu Quarterly, Spring 2021

field notes I add another comma butterfly

drum circle
we bow to the sound
of thunder

Monday, March 01, 2021

Tsuri-doro: A Small Journal of Haiku and Senryu, Issue #2, March/April 2021

final wish
an orca pod glints
in the sun

The Heron's Nest, Vol. 23, Number 1, March 2021

the things we name
and those we don't

Stardust Haiku, Issue 50, February 2021

starless night
I draw the darkness

Prune Juice, Issue 33, March 2021

Grateful to be included in this first issue edited by Tia Haynes!


Poetry Pea, February 2021

The Haiku Pea Podcast

Series 4, Episode 4 - "Humourous Haiku", February 15, 2021

just far enough away
to move me

2018 H. Gene Murtha Senryu Contest 

refuse dump
two black bears slouch
on a stained sofa

Our Best Haiga: Black & White Haiga/Haisha, February 2021

Curated by Lavana Kray

February 4, 2021

(Note: this tanka art was first published in Ribbons 16.3, Fall 2020)

February 12, 2021

(Note: this tanka art was first published in Ribbons 16.2, Spring/Summer 2020)

February 21, 2021

(Note: this haiku was first published in Blithe Spirit 30.1, February 2020)

Failed Haiku - A Journal of English Senryu, Vol. 6, Issue 63, March 2021

Grateful to be included in this special issue of kyoka, edited by Susan Burch!


A Fine Line: The Magazine of the New Zealand Poetry Society, Summer 2020/2021

flying squirrel for an instant moonless

the differing whorls
of our fingerprints

Modern Haiku, Vol. 52.1, Winter-Spring 2021

Honoured by the invitation to be the featured haiga artist for this issue:


Akita International Haiku Network, March 2021

Honoured to be included in the World Haiku Series 2020, with ten haiku translated into Japanese by Hidenori Hiruta on March 1, 2021!

pine forest . . .
the advice I'd give
my younger self

Honourable Mention
2020 Soka Matsubara International Haiku Competition

crickets in the field . . .
we still hear grandma calling
us home for dinner

Honourable Mention
2020 Kiyoshi and Kiyoko Tokutomi Haiku Contest

balcony garden
the birds have finally
found me

Honourable Mention
2020 Triveni Haikai Calendar Competition

I cultivate the seeds
of loneliness

Honourable Mention, Editor's Choice Haiku
World Haiku Review, Autumn 2020

ghost pumpkins
winter arrives without
a sound

3rd Place
2020 International Haiku Contest on the Theme of the Gourds

neonatal unit
the bleat of a mother
missing her lamb

In the Starlight Feature
Stardust Haiku, Issue 43, July 2020

ceaseless rain
the questions I still
ask myself

3rd Place
2020 Weighing Raindrops Haiku Contest

earth day
the shimmering wave
of a bee colony

2nd Place
2020 World Haiku Save Our World Competition

prairie town
rusted rails lead us
into sunrise

Museum of Haiku Literature Award
Blithe Spirit, Issue 30.2, 2020

rainless days
I make another cloud
in a bottle

Honourable Mention
2020 World Haiku Save Our World Competition

Note - the following haiga was Highly Commended in the 2020 Santoka 3rd International Haiku and Haiga Contest: