Saturday, August 24, 2019

Yamadera Basho Memorial Museum English Haiku Contest 2019

I decided to enter two 5/7/5 haiku this year, and was delighted to have them selected for the contest!

11th Contest Selected Haiku Collection

rising winter moon . . .
we drive across the prairie
alone with our thoughts

the departing spring . . .
he replaces online games
with a baseball glove

Morioka 1st International Haiku Contest, 2019

the wild crocuses
you loved

Second Prize (shared) - selected by Michael Dylan Welch
1st Morioka International Haiku Contest

The Haiku Foundation, July 2019

Haiku Music Challenge Number 28 - July 27, 2019

The Haiku Foundation chose three of their favourite compositions from the Naviar Records Haiku Music Challenge for the following poem:

I skip a pebble across
the universe

1st Place
2019 OtherWordly Intergalactic Haiku Competition

The Cherita, Book 27, June 2019

Issue: "you bring me"


I empty myself
of this world

by wind on wave,
water on stone

Tanka Origins, Issue 1, August 2019

Honoured to have two tanka chosen for this inaugural issue. My thanks to the editor, an'ya, for her lovely commentaries!

bloom inside my lungs,
every sense
alive with the fragrance
of this exquisite world

"How great is it to be able to actually breathe in this tanka by Debbie, and let those wildflowers also bloom in our lungs! Debbie makes good use of multiple "l" sounds throughout. This is a tanka that truly takes us on a journey out of the material world and into a realm where everything is exquisite, and our senses come alive with the fragrance of wildflowers."

peace lilies
sprout in my garden
nurtured with the love
you couldn't give me

"A beautiful tanka shared with us by Debbie who has such a classic way with words! She accomplishes this in the first three lines by talking of "peace lilies" and "heirlooms". However, she surprises her readers in lines four and five when the direction of this tanka takes a melancholy turn. Debbie is very much adept at creating a whole story in just five lines, as you can see in this tanka."

Mayfly, Issue 67, Summer 2019

bivouacking . . .
mountains unfold
into lullabies

#FemkuMag: An E-zine of Womxn's Haiku - Issue 14, July 2019

hot (fl)ashes the combustibility of womxn's rights

Honourable Mention
Marlene Mountain Memorial Haiku Contest 2019

(note: the editor also nominated this poem for the 2019 Haiku Foundation Touchstone Awards)

Other work included in this issue:

magpie the white streaks at my temples

surface tension
we hold it together


This issue also features the following triptych from my book, Three-Part Harmony: Tanka Verses (Keibooks 2018):


mute swans
under a moon bridge
the things
I should have confessed
make no difference now

the peace
that accompanies
after this long drought
an ecstasy of rain

on this day
of my atonement,
your face
a fragile watermark
at the edge of sky

1st verse: First Place, UHTS Fleeting Words Tanka Contest 2016
2nd verse: GUSTS, Number 25, Spring/Summer 2017
3rd verse: Moonbathing, Issue 16, Spring/Summer 2017

(thrilled to note that the magazine has now changed its name to reflect "womxn")

Failed Haiku - A Journal of English Senryu, Vol. 4, Issue 44, August 2019

Bottle Rockets, Vol. 21, Number 1 (or #41), August 2019

barbed wire
the spring tidings
of magpies

Blithe Spirit, Vol. 29, Number 3, August 2019

fallen wasp nest
a ladybird brightens
each chamber

rickety fence
a row of bluebirds
holds up the sky

lakeside camp . . .
an otter's soft splash
as it slips
under the edge
of my dreams

across heathland,
our boots
wet with the dew
of starlight

Atlas Poetica Special Feature, August 2019

Death Poems

bind my body
with spanworm silk
lay me down
in a shaded garden
until I turn to earth

Akitsu Quarterly, Fall 2019

marsh reeds
we learn the secret
language of wind

intensive care
the last cuneiform
of snow geese

Mom's recipe . . .
my hollow pumpkin
a soup tureen