Sunday, December 03, 2017

Presence, Number 59, November 2017


Honoured to be the Focus Poet for this issue. The full text may be accessed in the "Articles/About" section of this blog.

last campout . . .
sandhill cranes call down
the northern lights

Honourable Mention
2017 Robert Spiess Haiku Award

dried curls
of gray reindeer moss
crunch softly
underneath our boots . . .
no other sound, but breath

1st Place
2016 San Francisco Tanka Competition

stone cairns
a faded cap drifts

1st Place
2015 Harold G. Henderson Contest

tracks of birds
meander through snow . . .
the surgeon
marks her left breast
with a cross

1st Place
2016 British Haiku Society Tanka Awards

on the tundra
caging a winter sky
caribou bones

3rd Place
2014 Hortensia Anderson Awards

bitterns boom
among the rushes . . .
father recites
his favourite poems
from memory

dust clouds
behind the plough
a fuss of gulls

The Right Touch of Sun, Tanka Society of America Members' Anthology 2017

this hagstone
I hold to my eye . . .
another world looks
right through me

animal trails
curve through brush . . .
my wild feet
still yearn to follow
someone home

bluegrass blares
from loud speakers . . .
we get high
on night music
under a banjo moon


I was honoured to provide the following photographs for this anthology:

Ribbons, Volume 13, Number 3, Fall 2017

I can hear
clouds rustling against
taffeta skies . . .
my senses sharper
since you went away


This issue also contains a lovely review of my book, Warp and Weft: Tanka Threads (Michelle Brock, Australia). It may be accessed in  the "Books & Reviews" section of this blog.

The Cherita, Book 5, September 2017

Issue: "be amazed"

candied violets

every birthday cake
a celebration

of who we were,
and who we are

at high tide

the call and response
of water

we are made of this,
but we are also,

A Cherita Lighthouse Award

Skylark, Vol. 5, Number 2, Winter 2017

swathes my doorway . . .
its sweetness
calls to something hungry
that used to live inside

So Much More Than

we walk
under laden boughs
into silence . . .
a place of worship,
this architrave of snow

we make camp
in a dark sky preserve . . .
no stellarium
could rival
this magnitude of light

we become
so much more than
our wounds
lovely are the bruises
of crushed magnolias


the quiet
susurrus of stones
with each wave . . .
a refugee hushes
her frightened baby

of deer splashing
in puddles . . .
the bullied child
never that carefree

a cowbird
lays eggs in the nest
of her host . . .
too many people
feel they don't belong

World Haiku Association, November 2017

158th Monthly Haiga Contest

Stardust Haiku, Issue 11, November 2017

a moonbow
above the waterfall
arrows of geese

Under the Basho, 2017

Personal Best 2017

glassy lake
flocks of snow geese
pull up the moon

1st Place
Autumn Moon Haiku Contest 2017

Modern Haiku

luna moth
unfolding the hidden
part of you

frayed sunflowers . . .
this is the part where
we say goodbye

the sky ripens . . .
snow stars
decorate your sweater

river stories
we always begin
at the end

the pulse
of oncoming storms . . .
our windows flex

Stand-Alone Hokku

snow flurries
the softened edges
of shadows

morning haze . . .
the bright blue flashes
of kestrels

deep forest
mushroom gills filter
rays of light

Failed Haiku - A Journal of English Senryu, Vol. 2, Issue 24, December 2017

Daily Haiku, Charlotte Digregorio's Writer's Blog, November 2017

transience . . .
petal by petal
we let go

Winning Haiku, Canada
Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival Haiku Invitational, 2017

Creatrix, Anthology Number 2, 2017

Issues 15 - 35, 2012 - 2016

first crocus
the grey stubble
on his chin

Creatrix Poetry and Haiku Journal, Number 39, December 2017

lantern festival
we come together
in the dark

dark days
we learn to sing
in the key of rain

bone density . . .
the broken stems
of sunflowers

spin cycle . . .
newspapers cartwheel
down the street

charred trees
the horizon wider

Brass Bell, December 2017

ice-laden trees
a thousand brass bells
tinkle your name

Atlas Poetica, Number 30, November 2017


float above moss stars . . .
amber beacons
in forest shadows
call us to taste the light

the shimmer
of diamonds on snow
and water . . .
sometimes we take
small gifts for granted

mudlarks . . .
everything we buried
as children
surfaces at last
into the light of day

in her eyes
deep wells of pain . . .
and yet,
glimmers of light
at the bottom

Friday, November 17, 2017

Failed Haiku - A Journal of English Senryu, Vol. 2, Issue 23, November 2017

Jane Reichhold Haiga Competition 2017

First Honorable Mention ("extremely close runner-up") - Mixed Media Category

Judge's Comments:

"Silver Linings" is subtle in concept and execution and leaves a lasting impression. Everything about this is in a resonating balance. The embossed silvery effects add elegance to "the things that startle us into flight". Another superb haiga from a modern master.

—Kris (Moon) Kondo

Prune Juice, Issue 23, November 2017

peeling paint
all the backstories
we don't know

last testament
we inherit the bulk
of her shame

hard drive the unexpected crash of his memory bank


This issue includes the results of the 2017 Jane Reichhold Haiga Competition, in which my work received First Honorable Mention ("extremely close runner-up") from Judge Kris (Moon) Kondo. Please see Failed Haiku, Issue 23, November 2017, for details.

Tanka Society of America - 18th Sanford Goldstein International Tanka Contest, 2017

Honorable Mention

light spills
through a fallstreak hole
onto water . . .
if nothing else,
this will be enough

Judges' Comments:

Finally, we chose "light spills" for its classical beauty and sense of the ethereal in terms of style and theme. A fallstreak hole is a large gap in certain cumulus clouds that occurs when supercooled water droplets meet up with ice crystals; what a sight that relatively rare phenomenon must be for the narrator. She literally sees the light pouring onto a body of water below (water being symbolic in its own right). She also figuratively "sees the light," the hole representing "a break in the clouds" for her (possibly in the form of a much-needed answer or relief from a pressing matter). Perhaps, even more spectacularly, the narrator experiences a breakthrough in terms of a spiritual quest—a glimpse of heaven that, if need be, "will be enough."

—Janet Lynn Davis and James Chessing

(note: there were 650 entries to the contest)

Autumn Moon Haiku Journal - Autumn Moon Haiku Contest 2017

glassy lake
flocks of snow geese
pull up the moon

First Place

Judge's Comments:

Many haiku have been written about the effect of moonlight and the moon's reflection. This haiku is unique and highly poetic in its expression.
—Bruce Ross

Australian Haiku Society, 2017

Spring 2017 AHS Haiga Kukai: Seasonal Entry

homecoming . . .
a bouquet of sky
in an old jar

First Place

Judge's Commentary:

A lovely evocative haiku that links beautifully with the image's soft and hard shapes and also the interesting connection with a bouquet of sky. The feeling of a homecoming is embedded deep within the words and image colours. The soft focus adds a feeling of memory and passing of time. Something new has come from the blending of haiku and image which is the hallmark of a really excellent haiga.
—Ron Moss

Spring 2017 AHS Haiga Kukai: Non-Seasonal Entry

dark matter . . .
we never plan
to be alone

(Note: these haiku were written in response to artwork by Ron Moss)

Scryptic Magazine First Annual Halloween Contest 2017

Judge's Choice - Visual Art

I wear
a different mask
each night
no one but you knows
the monster in me

Judge's Comments:

Each of us have our own idea of "terrifying". For me, it's real-life monsters as I have come to face many in my short twenty-five years. This haiga really hits home for me and as soon as I saw it, I couldn't help but think it deserved an award. First of all, the image is startling. I love that you can't tell exactly what it is... dinosaur, fish, sea monster—it's just unclear, but I think that's what complements the tanka so well. I'm sure we have all met someone who wears a mask and leads you to believe they are someone they aren't. Those are the most terrifying of people. They prey on your vulnerability and wait for the right moment to attack. What takes the horror a step further is that only you know who they really are. All I can say is be careful who you put your trust in... the real-life monsters are the ones that can really hurt you.


The art is based on my black-and-white photograph of a bleached fish skull. I inserted a stick into the cavity and held it up to the sky so that the background would be free of distraction.

The following tanka art also appeared in the print issue:

Haiku Canada Review, Vol. 11, Number 2, October 2017

Front Cover - (Watercolour Avocet)

Back Cover

early snow
pumpkins hide
their light


the droop
of mother's smile

we can almost taste
the sunset



Hedgerow Poems, Number 121, Autumn 2017

Print Edition

Thursday, November 09, 2017

Cattails, October 2017

brush strokes
of wings against
blank skies . . .
how can I write
these words to you

pancake ice
on the lake's surface . . .
stepping stones
to some other life,
on some other shore

guitar lick
the dog teaches me
a new one

polliwogs . . .
the ripple effect
of music

World Haiku Association, October 2017

157th Monthly Haiga Contest

VerseWrights, 2017

Haiku Sequence (individual poems previously appeared in Brass Bell)


first chemo
a yellow leaf caught
in her hair

day moon
sister's thin face

squash blossom
creases form between
her brows

on yellowed recipes
she is here, still

planting a Three Sisters garden we remember you

They Gave Us Life: Celebrating Mothers, Fathers & Others in Haiku, 2017

Editor: Robert Epstein

quaking aspens . . .
we have inherited
mother's hands

(originally published in Modern Haiku, Volume 48.1, Winter-Spring 2017)

The Wonder Code: Discover the Way of Haiku and See the World With New Eyes, 2017

Editor: Scott Mason

cloudless sky
a pelican's pouch
full of light

(originally published in The Heron's Nest, Volume 18, 2016)

Tinywords, Issue 17.2, October 2017

I inhale
and my lungs fill up
with bees
though all hope is lost
there is still this hum

(originally published in Hedgerow Poems, December 2016)

The Cherita, Book 3, August 2017

Issue:  "Find Me"

so many songs

inside the harmonic curve
of my ribcage

there is wind, too,
but it learned the words
from me

my old home

the prairie
redolent with sage

nothing left,
but everything
I have been missing

Stardust Haiku, Issue 10, October 2017

wild rice
our paddles unfold
the clouds

NeverEnding Story, November 2017

Translated into Chinese by Chen-ou Liu

homeless child
spent cherry blossoms
in his hair

First Honourable Mention
2016 Craigleigh Press Haiku Contest

Chen-ou Liu's comments:

The emotionally and visually resonant juxtaposition of "homeless child" and "spent cherry blossoms" successfully creates a sense of poignancy, making readers wonder the fate of this homeless child.

Modern Haiku, Vol. 48.3, Autumn 2017

porch swing
songs where we least
expect them

The Mamba, Issue 4 - Africa Haiku Network, September 2017

open market
we taste the sound
of other languages

the lion's mane
on fire

On Down the Road, Haiku Society of America, Members' Anthology 2017

the whistle
of a wood duck . . .
her last breath

Honourable Mention
Betty Drevniok Award 2015

Mariposa, Number 37, Autumn/Winter 2017

the silver lake
without reflection
a mirror
that never shows me
what I want to see

Daily Haiku, Charlotte Digregorio's Writer's Blog, November 2017

blue sea glass
a man of war decays
in the sun

Honourable Mention
Lyrical Passion Poetry World Haiku Competition, 2015

Chrysanthemum, Number 22, October 2017

Translated into German

Brass Bell, November 2017

dark cavern
glow-worms where
my sister was

my aunt only smiles
at birds

empty apartment
we fold mother's shadow
into boxes

Acorn, Number 39, Fall 2017

dense thicket
the undersong
of a thrush

Friday, October 06, 2017

Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival, Haiku Invitational, 2017

the pink nose
of a feral rabbit . . .

Sakura Award, Canada

transience . . .
petal by petal
we let go

Winning Haiku, Canada

Judges: Angelee Deodhar, DeVar Dahl, and Billie Wilson

(more than 1200 entries)


Transience encloses the world without and within each of us. Because we feel more secure when we have a sense of predictability, we develop a great capacity for denying a simple truth: that nothing stays the same. That can be a challenge, but the gentleness of "petal by petal" reminds us that we'll be just fine.

The Cherita, Book 2, July 2017

Issue:  "No Sat Nav...No Map...No Regrets"

looking behind

there is no trace
of you

no footfalls
announce your presence,
but when I close my eyes, you come

rest yourself

the time will come
for fightsongs

when jealous gods come courting,
do not be tempted
to lay your body down

in the old dovecote

throaty coos
of pigeons echo

I call out
your name,
for the first and last time

The Cherita, Book 1, June 2017

Issue:  "Telling a Story:


that last memory
of you

among the berries,
with bees singing
in your hair


I thought
you might be lost

take my hand,
we will walk backward
until we become stars

A Cherita Lighthouse Award

World Haiku Review, August 2017

the weight of light
on bent grass

Hon. Mention
Neo-Classical Haiku Category

high humidity
a snail shoots love darts
at its mate

Zatsuei Haiku of Merit
Shintai Haiku Category

family dinner
the upside down world
of nuthatches

Zatsuei Haiku of Merit
Shintai Haiku Category

our shadows mingle
then separate

Zatsuei Haiku of Merit
Vanguard Haiku Category

Wild Plum, Issue 3:2, Fall & Winter 2017

family circles . . .
a kingfisher stabs
the fat moon

morning frost
every blade of grass
a candle

VerseWrights, 2017

Haiku Sequences (individual poems previously appeared in Brass Bell)


CT scan
will I emerge
a butterfly

folding unfolding the origami of monarch butterflies


we hover around our mother hummingbirds

sunrise sunflower heads dangling a charm of finches

waxwings again not enough berries for jam

winter bird am I the only one who knows your song

The Heron's Nest, Vol. 19, Number 3, September 2017

rain squall
this rigmarole
of umbrellas

The Cicada's Cry, A Micro-Zine of Haiku Poetry, 2017

The Firefly Special

hints of light
in my darkness

Stardust Haiku, Issue 9, September 2017

red kayak . . .
a beluga whale
sings to me

Stardust Haiku, Issue 8, August 2017

snow squall
the roadside cross
without your name

Scryptic - Magazine of Alternative Art, Issue 1.2, September 2017

Ribbons, Volume 13, Number 2, Spring/Summer 2017

on the rooftop
a colony of honeybees . . .
the buzz
among the homeless,
another shelter closing down

NHK World TV, Japan, August 2017

Haiku Masters Online Gallery

Haiku Master of the Week, Video - August 15th

Commentary by Kazuko Nishimura:

In the photo, you can see empty shells abandoned on the beach, yet we can imagine children playing on the beach through the use of the phrase "echoing cries of children". Although the photo seems devoid of life, the haiku adds excitement to the work, filling the audience with the image of a lively summer day. We can also feel nature in the photo, as sand-filled shells allude to waves crashing on the beach. The black frame around the work also seems to add a sense of melancholy, as if it is preparing the audience for the end of summer.

Commentary by Kit Pancoast Nagamura

The delicate ear-shapes of shells half buried in sand works perfectly with the content of the haiku, about the fading echoes of summer. The stillness of the sand, leveled by waves inside the shell hollows, suggests the passing of time, and the possibility that the poem's narrator is referring to summers years gone. Without the photo, the haiku would verge on the simplicity of song lyrics, but combined, the elements are more than the sum of their parts. The words in black, and the photo framed in black (which works visually well with the shell shadows), add a somber note to the work, suggesting a funereal sadness.

(note: NHK holds copyright)

NeverEnding Story, August 2017

Translated into Chinese by Chen-ou Liu

rocky ledge
a wolf with the moon
in its mouth

3rd Place
Irish Haiku Society
7th International Haiku Competition, 2015

Chen-ou Liu's comments:

Combined with the zoom-out technique, the unexpected yet visually powerful last line lifts this imagistic haiku up a notch.

Kokako, Number 27, September 2017

caribou migration here then gone midnight sun

fog hangs in the hollow a nest of owlets

tent city . . .
salamanders scurry
in all directions

Hedgerow Poems, Number 120, Summer 2017

Print Edition

Haigaonline, Vol. 18, Issue 2, Autumn 2017

Water Challenge

Gusts, Number 26, Fall/Winter 2017

among long-eared bats
remind me
of all the secrets
that used to be mine

in the acorn necklaces
we made . . .
even on dark days,
small points of light

minnows flash
through silver shoals
at dusk . . .
you teach me how
to be a mermaid

Gnarled Oak, Issue 13, September 2017

Frogpond, Vol. 40.2, Spring/Summer 2017

A kind mention of my work in the review of Dust Devils by Randy Brooks:

lilac buds
no one notices
the bruises

Haiku Canada Review, Vol. 10, Number 1, February 2016

Failed Haiku - A Journal of English Senryu, Vol. 2, Issue 22, October 2017

Failed Haiku - A Journal of English Senryu, Vol. 2, Issue 21, September 2017

Failed Haiku - A Journal of English Senryu, Vol. 2, Issue 20, August 2017

Dwarf Stars 2017 - The Best Very Short Speculative Poems Published in 2016

our bodies
no more than stardust
we fall
from constellations
and for a moment, shine

Kokako 25, September 2016

Daily Haiku, Charlotte Digregorio's Writer's Blog, September 2017

curling leaves
you turn your face up
to the sun

Hon. Mention
Autumn Haiku Contest, 2015
Japan Information and Culture Centre

Daily Haiku, Charlotte Digregorio's Writer's Blog, August 2017

rusted gate
old lilacs blooming
for no one

Selected Haiku
7th Yamadera Basho Memorial Museum Contest, 2015

Creatrix Poetry and Haiku Journal, Number 38, September 2017

graveyard snow
the call and answer
of chickadees

dandelions . . .
every bee flecked
with light

Brass Bell, October 2017

morning dew
the galaxies between
our toes

the curled ears
of newborns

snow mounds
the growing roundness
of her belly

Brass Bell, September 2017

a fever of migrating stingrays summer graces

glazed pond
a beaver's tail breaks
the hush

in your arms
the sea

Blithe Spirit,, Vol. 27, Number 3, August 2017

sakura . . .
my mouth full of stones
at the news

old vineyard . . .
our shadows ripen
between rows

the merlin's nest,
an ossuary . . .
it all comes
down to this

we lived
above a bake shop
that summer
of bread and tempers
rising through the night

Blithe Spirit, Vol. 27, Number 2, May 2017

dust motes . . .
the worn patches
on his saddle

robinsong . . .
the scent of earth
newly warm

to find myself grown
out of this skin . . .
will you recognize me
each time I am reborn

with the ocean's rhythms
a dolphin
carries me on its back
to my home among stars

Please note that the results of the 2016 British Haiku Society Awards also appear in this issue. Commentaries may be viewed in the British Haiku Society post of April 15, 2017 on this blog.

Tanka Section

tracks of birds
meander through snow . . .
the surgeon
marks her left breast
with a cross

1st Place

to hold the light
of mercury . . .
your memory
slips away


Haiku Section

harsh winter
squirrels gnaw the tines
of shed antlers

Special Mention

Atlas Poetica, Number 29, August 2017

Individual Cherita:

in our courtyard

the dead snag
has silvered with age

we still hear
faint echoes of birds,
but have forgotten how to sing

you lift me up

from this vantage point
I can see

a parallel universe,
in which the only truth
is mercy

Tanka Sequence:


the highway
smothered with ashes . . .
every year,
this debate between
urbanites and farmers

city allotments,
each marked by fencing . . .
when did we start
being afraid of strangers,
being afraid to share

greening . . .
even arctic foxes
build gardens—
with one seed at a time,
could we not feed the world

Individual Tanka:

clouds break
against desert peaks . . .
shards fall
into the open mouths
of thirsty children

this inner darkness,
erases the stains
on my conscience

bullets of crows
on gunmetal nights . . .
a deeper shade
of anguish echoes
in her bones

but cold comfort
in knowing
that the sea you loved
now spirits you away

Asahi Haikuist Network, September 2017

(first appeared in the September 2016 issue)

blues festival
stray dogs howling
at streetlights

Asahi Haikuist Network, August 2017

blazing sun . . .
a goose shields goslings
with her wings

Akitsu Quarterly, Fall 2017

embers flicker among the oaks scarlet tanagers

Monday, July 31, 2017

The Haiku Foundation Haiga Galleries, 2017

The following galleries showcase 39 award-winning haiku and tanka:

Haiku and Tanka Sketches Gallery



stone cairns
a faded cap drifts

1st Place
H.G. Henderson Haiku Contest 2015
Frogpond 38.3 Autumn 2015 

watercolor/digital elements



two deep valleys
in a mountain’s shadow
village children
pleading at day’s end
for one more shaft of light

Certificate of Merit
Japan Poets’ Society 8th Int’l Tanka Festival Competition 2016
Ribbons 12.3 Fall 2016

watercolor/digital elements



great blue heron
leaning into the mirror
I become still

Front Cover Illustration Contest Winner
The Heron’s Nest 2014
cattails May 2014

digital sketch



on the tundra
caging a winter sky
caribou bones

3rd Place
Second Annual “AHA” Awards 2014
cattails May 2014

watercolor/digital elements



the stillness
of a dragonfly’s wings
first frost

Judge’s Choice
Craigleigh Press Haiku Contest 2016

watercolor/digital elements



split chrysalis
all the ways we learn
to become small

Museum of Haiku Literature Award
Blithe Spirit 26.1 February 2016

digital sketch



the curve
of an avocet’s bill . . .
sickle moon

Editor’s Choice
cattails April 2017

watercolor/digital elements



curling leaves
you turn your face up
to the sun

Honorable Mention
Japan Information and Culture Center
Autumn Haiku Contest 2015

watercolor/digital elements



atlas moth
the places I thought
we’d go

Honorable Mention
Jane Reichhold International Prize
15th Annual ukiaHaiku Festival 2017

digital sketch



your fingers
played a symphony
in my hair
when I was a cello
and you were the bow

Editor’s Choice
cattails January 2015

watercolor/digital elements



gone too soon
sakura blossoms
my old friends

Sakura Award, Canada
Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival Haiku Invitational 2015
Wordless: Haiku Canada – 40 Years of Haiku Anthology 2017

watercolor/digital elements



in cupped hands
the harvest moon rests
for a moment

1st Place
Bangor Haiku Group
Autumn Moon Contest 2015

digital sketch



out to pasture
only the wind upon
her bent back

Romanian Haiku Group
Sharpening the Green Pencil 4th Haiku Contest 2015 

watercolor/digital elements



last campout . . .
sandhill cranes call down
the northern lights

Honorable Mention
Robert Spiess Memorial Haiku Award Competition 2017
Modern Haiku 48.2 Summer 2017

watercolor/digital elements

Tanka Nature Photography Gallery



with rainsong
whispering in my ear
how could I
not have known that
the time had come for leaving

British Haiku Society Awards 2014/15
Soft Thunder Anthology 2015




mute swans
under a moon bridge . . .
the things
I should have confessed
make no difference now

1st Place
Fleeting Words Tanka Contest 2016
cattails September 2016

macro photo



each moment
here on earth is numbered . . .
so why not
fly too close to the moon,
and hang our hats on stars

1st Place
Mandy’s Pages Annual Tanka Contest 2016




migrating geese
writing cursive letters
across the sky . . .
I finally read between
the white of your lies

British Haiku Society Awards 2014/15
Soft Thunder Anthology 2015

macro photo



they called us
to collect her things . . .
not knowing
what to do with her teeth,
we left her smile in the trash

Honorable Mention
World Tanka Competition 2013
Lyrical Passion Poetry 2013




wishing seeds
cartwheel through warm air
how quiet
this fleeting moment
this belief in miracles

2nd Honorable Mention
Fleeting Words Tanka Contest 2015
cattails September 2015

macro photo



dried curls
of gray reindeer moss
crunch softly
underneath our boots . . .
no other sound, but breath

1st Place (tie)
San Francisco Int’l Competition 2016
Mariposa 36 Spring/Summer 2017

macro photo



tracks of birds
meander through snow . . .
the surgeon
marks her left breast
with a cross

1st Place
British Haiku Society Awards 2016
Blithe Spirit 27.2 May 2017

macro photo



gulls nesting
on the cottage roof . . .
fallen feathers
sprouting from my boots
today, my feet have wings

Honorable Mention
Undertow Tanka Review Annual Tanka Contest 2015
Undertow Tanka Review September 2015




to hold the light
of mercury . . .
your memory
slips away

British Haiku Society Awards 2016
Blithe Spirit 27.2 May 2017

macro photo



fallen leaves
in uncured cement . . .
we imprint
our own mythology
upon each other’s lives

Eucalypt Distinctive Scribblings Award 2016
Eucalypt 21 December 2016

macro photo



the dry ache
of a long goodbye . . .
how do we
reach the other side
with the bridge washed out

Editor’s Choice
cattails January 2016


Haiku Mixed Media Gallery



broken eggs
in the chicken coop
I find your note

2nd Place
Penumbra Haiku Competition 2017
Seven Hills Review 22 2017

photo/digital elements



the whistle
of a wood duck . . .
her last breath

Honorable Mention
Betty Drevniok Award 2015
On Down the Road, Haiku Society of America 2017 Members' Anthology

watercolor/digital elements



the childhood pets
i never had

Honorable Mention, Mixed Media Category
Jane Reichhold Memorial Haiga Competition 2016
Failed Haiku 11 November 2016

layered sketch and photo/digital elements



rocky ledge
a wolf with the moon
in its mouth

3rd Place (tie)
Irish Haiku Society 7th Int’l Haiku Competition 2015
Wordless: Haiku Canada - 40 Years of Haiku Anthology 2017

photo/digital elements



stark branches
the first flowering
of snowflakes

Award of Excellence, WHAC8
World Haiku Association Commemorative Haiga Contest 2015
World Haiku 12 2016

watercolor/digital elements



so many reasons
to shine

Honorable Mention, Shintai Category
World Haiku Review June 2016

layered photos/digital elements



fog weaving
between fence posts
a coyote’s song

Honorable Mention
Griffin-Farlow Haiku Award 2015
Pinesong 52 2016

photo/digital elements



harsh winter
squirrels gnaw the tines
of shed antlers

Special Mention
British Haiku Society Awards 2016
Blithe Spirit 27.2 May 2017

photo/digital elements



weathered barn
the silence of cobwebs
in moonlight

Honorable Mention
European Haiku Society Prize 2016

photo/digital elements



painted ponies
going around in circles
we find ourselves

Honorable Mention, Mixed Media Category
Jane Reichhold Memorial Haiga Competition 2016
Failed Haiku 11 November 2016

photo/digital elements



rusted bucket
cherry blossoms patch
every hole

2nd Place
Bulgarian Haiku Union
2nd Int’l Haiku “Cherry Blossom” Contest 2016

layered photos/digital elements



we pack her clothes
in silence

Selected Haiku
Yamadera Basho Memorial Museum
English Haiku Contest 2016

watercolor/digital elements



fog deepens
the sound of rabbits
nibbling night

Grand Prize
World Haiku Competition 2016
Lyrical Passion Poetry 2016

photo/digital elements