Friday, July 19, 2024

United Haiku and Tanka Society, Fleeting Words Tanka Competition 2024

My thanks to the judge, an'ya, for her lovely commentary!

unopened cones
on silvered jack pines
at rest until
the fire's passion gives
their seed to the wind

2nd Place
2024 Fleeting Words Tanka Competition

Judging Commentary:

Yet another fine tanka by Debbie Strange of Canada takes a strong second place. In judging this contest I looked for "waka-like" entries and hers was a definite winner. The first line "unopened cones" rather than just saying "pine cones" caught my attention. Debbie has a way of turning her tanka in line 3 and skillfully completing it in the final line.

Sonic Boom Annual Vispo Contest, 2024

Thrilled that the following vispo (visual poetry), "Depression Era", received an Honourable Mention in Sonic Boom's 2024 annual contest and was selected by Shloka Shankar and Robin Smith for this year's gallery:

Artist's Statement:

A paper collage embellished with frayed burlap and fabric symbolizing how women learned to "make do" during the Depression Era. The grains of wheat and ration ticket represent food insecurity and the lack of the most basic items after countless farmers lost their land. The staple stitching works to bring these two themes together.

Wales Haiku Journal, Summer 2024

razed verges the poppies that almost were

spiral aurora
there are no words
in our vocabulary 

reptile brumation
long-lost relatives
contest the will

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Modern Haiku, Vol. 55.2, Summer 2024

scrabbling towhees
something concealed
in the duff

The Wise Owl, July 2024

Daily Verse Feature - solitude theme

mute swans
with unfurled wings
beyond silence,
beyond light

a willet's call
undulating through
beach grasses . . .
her nest is invisible,
but it must be near

the swallows
have returned at last
I have
no desire to be part
of something bigger

Tsuri-doro: A Small Journal of Haiku and Senryu Issue #22, July/August 2024

prothonotary warbler i'll say it if you will

Triya Mag: Monsoon Edition, July/August 2024

Translated into Hindi

drifting sands
sometimes the poem
writes itself 

Winning Haiku, 2023 Drifting Sands Wearable Art and Haiku Contest

wheat fields
tousled by fingers
of wind
I tuck a strand of hair
behind your ear

Honourable Mention, 2018 Sanford Goldstein International Tanka Contest

Shadow Pond Journal, Issue 3, June 2024

Honoured to know that the editor nominated this haiku for a Touchstone Award:

the aurora
a wolf's breath becomes
part of it

Our Best Haiga: Black & White Haiga/Haisha, July 2024

 Curated by Lavana Kray

July 6, 2024

(Note: this tanka received 1st place in the 2023 San Francisco International Competition for Haiku, Senryu and Tanka)

July 28, 2024

(Note: this haiku received 3rd Place in the 2020 Irish Haiku Society International Competition)

Humano Obscura, Issue Number 9, Summer 2024

Thrilled to have two photographs and a haiku selected for this issue!


The Way of Windflowers

solar eclipse
the loon's call echoes
then fades

Horror Senryu Journal, June 2024

a grizzly bear in the ditch headless dandelions

Haiku Girl Summer, 2024

Curated by Allyson Whipple

June 27, 2024 - Guest Editor, Carol Dorf

splash pad
bubbles run away
with the light

June 29, 2024 - Guest Editor, Carol Dorf

sun dress
the clear margins
of her biopsy

July 6, 2024 - Guest Editor Jennifer Gurney

folk festival
the music drifts beyond
our horizons 

Haiga in Focus, Issue 73, July 2024

 Curated by Claudia Brefeld

Translated into German

Honoured to have the following haiga selected as the Editor's Choice:

Claudia's Commentary:

What a harmonious haiga - clear and fragile at the same time.

The delicate and light-looking picture seems to literally exude the scent of flowers and it is as if it sensitizes the senses. You want to reach for the fleeting colors, walk through them and lose yourself in the scent of the flowers. Close your eyes for a moment and take a deep breath - the lightness of the moment!

The position of the haiku is like a finger pointing, which you follow carefully to enter the depths of the image.

Frogpond, Vol. 47, Number 2, Spring/Summer 2024

Thrilled that the following four poems were selected for inclusion in three different essays as well as a book review in this issue! My thanks to the following authors:

Field Guide: Eclipses by Charles Trumbull


Haiku Canada Review 11:2, October 2017

"Verbing" in Haiku by Brad Bennett - Flexibility and Ambiguity

ancient caldera
clouds waterfalling
over the rim

Mariposa 49, Autumn/Winter 2023

Haiku Poetry and the Parenting Principle: An Exploration - Learning and Exploration

a painted turtle shows me
how its done

Akitsu Quarterly, Spring/Summer 2023

Between Sun and Shadow: The Yuki Teikei Haiku Society Members' Anthology, 2023 - reviewed by Ce Rosenow

rows of maize
we put our affairs
in order

Geppo: Volume XLVI:4, November 2021

Fresh Out: An Arts and Poetry Collective, June 2024

 Curated by Eric A. Lohman

Featured Artist: June 15, 2024

(note: this haiku first appeared in the Wales Haiku Journal, Autumn 2022)

H. Gene Murtha Memorial Senryu Contest, 2024

Thrilled to receive an Honourable Mention in this year's contest. My thanks to the judges, Marilyn Ashbaugh and John Pappas.

solar eclipse
the times we choose
to look away

Honourable Mention
H. Gene Murtha Memorial Senryu Contest, 2024

Failed Haiku - A Journal of English Senryu, Vol. 9, Number 100, June 2024

death rattle
the dried gourd inside
your chest

the ocean awash
with barcodes

Eucalypt, Issue 36, May 2024

bull kelp grows
to maturity in one year . . .
pencil markings
of our heights still visible
against the doorframe

Honoured to have this tanka selected as joint winner of the Eucalypt Distinctive Scribblings Award, with an appraisal by Tim Dwyer:

"In this finely edited issue of Eucalypt, there are many excellent tanka. After careful reading, I narrowed my choice to three. Then I chose the tanka that most came back to my mind, and one in which I could not see anything to change. I chose the tanka by Debbie Strange.

The first line is strong, in terms of accent, rhythm and sound. As well as grounding with a vivid visual image, the kelp hints at sea scent and salty taste. The second line, with softer sounds, conveys a quiet authority, a trustworthy voice. The stated fact - growing to maturity in one year - resonates, and invites the reader to muse, enhanced by the skillful use of the ellipse. It is an unforced, light touch metaphor, that leads to a successful juxtaposition. the third line anchors the reader again with a clear image, visual and tactile with an appealing rhythm. The fourth line is an excellent example of Louise Gluck's approach - to invite not impose deep sentiment. It is a skillful and judicious use of the only personal pronoun or adjective in the tanka, and 'our' invites the reader in. The reader can participate to flesh out the image in the fifth line, perhaps picture a particular home for this doorframe, with pencil markings recalling many birthdays.

In the last line, I think the choice of the strong word 'against' rather than 'on' or 'upon' the doorframe, conveys both the tactile sense of pencil markings, but for this reader, it subtly conveys the conflict between tender reverie with the reality that those times have passed.

There is an excellent balance in this tanka of grounding (bull kelp, pencil marking, door frame) with a reflectiveness. The juxtaposition of bull kelp and pencil markings is original and stirring. The five lines work as a piece, inviting authentic tenderness with gentle loss, a lifefullness that lingers after the reading of the tanka done.

Daily Haiku: Charlotte Digregorio's Writer's Blog, June 2024

Daily Haiku Special: June 25, 2024

cattle roundup
a charred bean can
full of rain

1st Place (Joint)
Sharpening the Green Pencil Haiku Contest, 2024

scrub jay
nothing left of the blue
in dad's jeans

2nd Place
Betty Drevniok Award, 2024

let's drive
down this prairie road,
singing until
we collide head-on
with the Milky Way

Honourable Mention
San Francisco International Competition for Haiku, Senryu and Tanka, 2023

Cold Moon Journal, July 2024

Grateful to have "The Blur of Seasons" series featured on July 5, 2024. My special thanks to the editor, Roberta Beach Jacobson! The phrases in this series are culled from my book, "Warp and Weft: Tanka Threads".


The Cicada's Cry: A Micro-Zine of Haiku Poetry, Summer 2024

a fawns steps
into the fairy ring . . .
lunar eclipse