Sunday, March 20, 2022

The Haiku Foundation: The Touchstone Awards for Individual Poems, 2021

There were 1506 nominations, and I'm honoured that the following haiku is included in the longlist of 57 poems. My thanks to the editor of #FemkuMag, who nominated my work, and to the judges for taking the time to read!

Fata Morgana the (in)visibility of my (dis)ability

2nd Place
2021 Marlene Mountain Memorial Haiku Contest 

World Haiku Review, Winter 2021-2022

herring shoals
the ocean turns itself
inside out

2nd Place
Shintai Haiku Category

empty campground
northern lights paint
the darkness

Honourable Mention
Shintai Haiku Category

prairie blizzard
squirrels take the shape
of their tails

Zatsuei Haiku of Merit
Neo-Classical Haiku Category

we are
nearly home . . .

Zatsuei Haiku of Merit
Vanguard Haiku Category

Yuki Teikei Haiku Society Tokutomi Haiku Contest, 2021

My thanks to the judge, Emiko Miyashita, for the following honours:

the wisteria
trembles under its own weight . . .
new prosthetic legs

Honourable Mention
Tokutomi Haiku Contest 2021

north winds roll snowballs
across empty pasturelands . . .
I let the dough rest

Honourable Mention
Tokutomi Haiku Contest 2021

Yamadera Basho Memorial Museum English Haiku Contest 2021

13th Contest Selected Haiku Collection

jellyfish sprites
a bomb detonates
in the distance

grief follows
wherever we go

Irish Haiku Society International Haiku Competition 2021

My thanks to the judge, Anatoly Kudryavitsky, for selecting the following haiku:

fireflies the synchronicity of it all

1st Prize
IHS, International Haiku Competition 2021

The Ending Hasn't Happened Yet, Sable Books 2022

Proceeds from sales of this book will go to Zoeglossia - A Community for POETS with Disabilities.

My thanks to the editor, Hannah Soyer, for including the following tanka sequence in this anthology:


as if I were
this ash-filled burl,
black veins
of decay winding through
my body like a river

hares boxing
in the flush of dawn . . .
it seems
impossible to defeat
an opponent I can't see

a raven
believed it could fly
through me
unaware that I am glass,
pretending to be sky

I have learned
how to keep silent . . .
these pebbles
under my tongue
seasoned with rue

Publication Credits

1st verse: Commended Tanka, Mandy's Pages, The Burning Issue 2020 Tanka Contest

2nd verse: Red Lights 15.2, June 2019

3rd verse: 3rd Place, 2020 San Francisco Int'l Competition for Haiku, Senryu and Tanka

4th verse: Cattails, April 2021

Triveni Haikai India, February 2022

My thanks to Pamela Babusci for selecting the following tanka for the Triveni Spotlight Feature on February 13, 2022:

a halo around
the long night moon . . .
I find
another strand
of mother's light

Tenth Annual Moonbathing Contest Winner
Moonbathing 19, 2018

The Zen Space, Winter Showcase 2022

(Note: these haiga were first published in Haigonline's Winter Gallery 2021 - they are part of my "Solst(ice)" series)


The Cherita, Book 56, November 2021

Issue: "dark to light"

let us celebrate

the keepers
of blood memory

their stories
giving birth
to stars

A Cherita Lighthouse Award

Tsuri-doro: A Small Journal of Haiku and Senryu, Issue #8, March/April 2022

fallen cairn
mountain goats grazing
on clouds

around each stone
prairie crocus

Stardust Haiku, Issue 62, February 2022

prairie hail
every puddle becomes
a trampoline

Self-Portrait, Tanka Society of America Members' Anthology 2021

a plague
of smokestacks belching
obscenities . . .
on this frosted morning,
even they are beautiful

String Theory: The Red Moon Anthology of English-Language Haiku 2021

 Fata Morgana the (in)visibility of my (dis)ability

2nd Place
2021 Marlene Mountain Contest

Red Lights, Vol. 18, Number 1, January 2022

red-tinged grasses
adorned with the exuviae
of dragonflies . . .
sometimes I wish I could
leave this body behind

(note: "exuviae" - the dried outer casing of a young dragonfly)

Prune Juice, Issue 36, March 2022


text: omic(h)ronicillness

Our Best Haiga: Black & White Haiga/Haisha, February 2022

Curated by Lavana Kray

February 10, 2022

(Note: this haiga was first published in Akitsu Quarterly, Summer 2021)


New Zealand Poetry Society International Poetry Competition 2021

 Kissing a Ghost - NZPS Poetry Anthology 2021

My thanks to Simon Hanson, the judge of this contest, and to Tim Jones, the editor!

the darkness
arrives on a thousand legs . . .
cosmic caterpillar

Highly Commended

Modern Haiku, Vol. 53.1, Winter-Spring 2022

a pocket mouse
conserves its saliva . . .
desert stars

Haiku Canada Review, Volume 16, Number 1, February 2022


childhood friends
felled like hapless trees
in old-growth forests
we prostrate ourselves
before the powers that be

Frogpond, Vol. 45, Number 1, Winter 2022

cloud inversion
the mountain not a mountain
after all

Failed Haiku - A Journal of English Senryu, Vol. 7, Issue 75, March 2022

My thanks to the editor, Bryan Rickert, for selecting the following haiga:

Creatrix Poetry and Haiku Journal, Number 56, March 2022

trumpeter swans
we hear them before
we see them

heated debate
even the fence
is barbed

Chalk on the Walk Monoku Project (New Zealand) 2022

 Curated by Sherry Grant

Haiga Feature: March 12, 2022

(Note: this haiga was first published in Failed Haiku 68, August 2021)

Brass Bell, March 2022

Theme: a haiku celebration of women and girls

ice road
I weave blue ribbons
through mom's hair

Bottle Rockets, Vol. 23, Number 2 (or #46), February 2022

ramshackle farm
thistles bind the fence

Blithe Spirit, Vol. 32, Number 1, February 2022

the light trembles
with rain

here we are
at the turning point
once more
another year pales
in comparison

A Fine Line: The Magazine of the New Zealand Poetry Society, Summer 2022

peace talks
the hiss of magma
hitting water

the swans
we hoped we'd become . . .
crook-necked gourds

beach closure
sand skips over
the dunes