Monday, February 07, 2022

Geppo: The Haiku Work-Study Journal of the Yuki Teikei Haiku Society, Volume XLVI:4, November 2021

August - October 2021

freight train the rags of a vagabond moon

wilted garden
dust sparkles on the wings
of sparrows

rows of maize
we put our affairs
in order

Autumn Challenge Kigo: Persimmons, kaki

nature's almanac
persimmon seeds predict
the weather

Honoured to know that "rows of maize" was included among the favourites of Dojins Randy Brooks and Patricia J. Machmiller!

Geppo: The Haiku Work-Study Journal of the Yuki Teikei Haiku Society, Volume XLVI:3, August 2021

May - July 2021

farm team
blue jeans steal colour
from the sky

you outgrow
your self again . . .
cow parsley

the deer leave me
one bloom

summer as far
as the eye can see . . .
new horizons

Summer Challenge Kigo: Summer Grass, Summer Grasses, natsugusa ya

the resilience
of summer grasses . . .
prairie hail

Honoured that "meadowsweet" was included among the "Voted Best" (7 or more votes) and chosen for commentary in the subsequent issue:

Dojin's Corner:

The second line, with its multiple readings, is the heart of this haiku. Deer leave one bloom, deer leave me. Deer will eat anything, but they leave one—not some, not a few—one bloom. That solitary bloom reinforces the idea of leaving, of being left. I also admire the sonic qualities of this haiku: the long "e" sounds in "sweet," "deer," and "me," as well as the "m's" in the first and last lines. Also I can't read that first line—"meadowsweet"—without thinking "bittersweet."

—Beverly Acuff Momoi

Oh, spirea or meadowsweet is such a beautiful bush with its long sprays of white flowers. It's hard to imagine the deer ate them all but one? It must be like vanilla ice cream to them—so the name, meadowsweet, appropriately captures its delectability.

—Patricia J. Machmiller

Just one bloom left on the meadowsweet? Since deer have four legs while we have only two, it probably took all of those anti-inflammatory herbal flowers to relieve the deer's joint pain and gout. One bloom will be enough to make a ice cup of meadowsweet tea. Enjoy!

—Emiko Miyashita

Also honoured to know that "meadowsweet" was included among the favourites of Dojins Beverly Acuff Momoi and Patricia J. Machmiller. "Farm team" was included among the favourites of Dojin Emiko Miyashita, and "you outgrow" was included among the favourites of Patricia!

Whiptail: Journal of the Single-line Poem - Summoning the Sky, Issue 2, January 2022

section: "a little birdhouse in your soul"

section: "migrations and destinations"


Wales Haiku Journal, Winter 2021-2022

the zigzag of brown creepers meandering thoughts

ad astra
taillights on the road
to somewhere

The Haiku Foundation, Juxta 6 - Research and Scholarship in Haiku, December 2020

Grateful to have the following haiga included in this issue:

(Note: this haiku received a commendation in the 2018 Sharpening the Green Pencil Haiku Contest)


Visiting the Wind, Haiku Society of America Members' Anthology 2021

rippling waves
you teach me how
to film the wind

Grand Prix
10th Setouchi-Matsuyama International Photo-Haiku Contest

The Poetry Pea Journal of Haiku and Senryu, Patricia's Favourites, Summer 2021

My thanks to the editor, Patricia McGuire, for selecting the following poem as an Editor's Favourite from the Poetry Pea Journal, Summer 2021:

cemetery shade
this luminescence
of lilies

NeverEnding Story, January 2022

Translated into Chinese by Chen-ou Liu:

a pika gathers stems
of light

2019 A Little Iris Haiku Contest

Chen-ou Liu's Comments:

Inspiring and evocative L1 sets the scene and mood while the unexpected yet visually fresh and effective image of Ls 2&3, "stems" of "light" enhances the imagistic aspect of this unusual haiku about a rare mountain-dwelling mammal in alpenglow.


Kontinuum: kortárs haiku/contemporary haiku, Volume 1, Number 2, January 2022

at sea the albatross of anxiety disorders

dementia she goes off on an (upper) tangent (arc)

polar ice caps
the past has a way
of disappearing

Kokako, Number 35, September 2021

raccoons waddle down
the fairway

distant kite surfers . . .
a host of gaudy angels
between this world
and another

an only child
buries himself in sand
friendly tides
licking traces of salt
from his curled fingers

Hedgerow Poems, Number 137, 2021

windswept hills
foxtails blur the edges
of my sister's grave

dawn light
a stag casts off
its last antler

Against the Current: the top 30 contributors of #FemkuMag, Issues 1-30, Moth Orchid Press, 2022

Honoured to have contributed to 30 issues of the groundbreaking #FemkuMag! The title of this anthology is named after the following poem:

pay equity
she swims against
the current

Other selected work:

poverty we hope the new year will be brighter

inner peace
i offer it
to the world

ripening pear the bruises that never heal

Touchstone Awards for Individual Poems, 2020

hot (fl)ashes the combustibility of womxn's rights

Honourable Mention
Marlene Mountain Memorial Haiku Contest, 2019

Fata Morgana the (in)visibility of my (dis)ability

2nd Place
Marlene Mountain Memorial Haiku Contest, 2021
Longlisted, The Haiku Foundation Touchstone Awards, 2021

#FemkuMag: haikai poetry by womxn and non-binary folx - Issue 32, January 2022

orbweaver the deconstruction of a lie

a dumpster-diver
goes under



Failed Haiku - A Journal of English Senryu, Vol. 7, Issue 74, February 2022

My thanks to the editor, Julie Bloss Kelsey, for selecting the following haiga for this sci-fi edition:


Eucalypt, Issue 31, December 2021

we watch
a wolf moon eating clouds
until the blood
of dawn spills across
our upturned faces

Brass Bell, February 2022

Theme: one line

winds of change i take refuge inside myself

(note: this monoku first appeared as a haiga in the now-defunct magazine Scryptic 2.2, August 2018)