Saturday, September 28, 2024

Ink Sweat and Tears - The Poetry and Prose Webzine - September 2024

Word and Image Feature - concrete poem: September 26, 2024

weeding out the truth this paradox of INtolerance

Artist's Statement:

The inspiration for this word cloud stems from exploring the arbitrary ways in which people look at the question of tolerant, versus intolerant, behaviours in the human and natural world. Weeding out fact from fiction in this volatile political climate can be challenging. Much like keeping a garden in check, we must choose what to keep and what to pull. The haphazard scattering of words illustrates the chaotic and myriad choices we make on a daily basis, as well as the anarchic nature of a neglected garden. The coloured fonts represent differences in gender, race, and religion as well as the diverse hues of weeds and wildflowers.

I think concrete poems add an interesting dimension to the haiku//senryu experience. Their visuals create a dynamic call-and-response effect between words and format, reinforcing the message by inviting readers to delve more deeply into the concept.

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